1 XDN to USD Converter

Select crypto or fiat currency to convert to another
Result: 1 XDN = 2.373E-5 USD

1 XDN equals to 2.373E-5 USD. Do you want to transfer XDN to USD? To do so, you can use one of the wallets from our list.

Conversion from DigitalNote (XDN) to United States Dollar (USD)
Rate: 2.373E-5

About DigitalNote



Current Supply


Created in 2014

Block mined

every 4 minutes



Consensus Mechanism


Supported Platforms

Linux, macOS, Windows


If you want to transfer xdn to usd, you must use cryptocurrency wallet. Fortunately, we have prepared for you a list of the best wallets on the market.
If you want to buy xdn with usd, you have to use cryptocurrency wallet. Anyway, it's very simple when you a use the right wallet - for example, some from our list.